Thursday, October 8, 2009

CBS Emblem Image - Photoshop

I chose the picture of wherein the CBS emblem was digitally inserted to replace that of NBC during a New Year's Eve broadcast. It originated in December 2000.
The picture was manipulated by digitally superimposing the CBS emblem over that of NBC.
I believe it was manipulated so that the viewers would think it was a CBS original broadcast.
I do believe this is harmful. Each network has its responsibility to gather and cover news events and effectiveness in doing so is what makes an acclaimed and widely viewed network channel.
By superimposing its emblem over that of NBC, CBS is claiming that it is the source and rather unfairly taking credit for the work of NBC. Not only do I find this irresponsible, I also think it should be punishable under the law.


  1. Interesting comment, George! You have a strong opinion about that manipulation.
    Ms. Belisle

  2. It was wrong for CBS to take credit for someone else work, but at the same time I can see how it would be harmful for them to show another company's emblem.

  3. yeah i agree cbs shouldnt take credit for another station's work.
